Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Kratom Product Containing Mitragynine APPROVED BY THE FDA? WTF?

Here is the link to the New product page: Mitrasafe

So........ apparently, there has been a new product created by Utah based Industrial Chemicals, and I guess they are called LLC? I am not sure what LLC stands for, but this is a pretty huge curve ball for the Kratom community in a sense. Reason being; this product could potentially replace Kratom plant leaf and all of it's alkaloids, or it could potentially be sold as an over-the counter product available on shelves publicly available under a brand name that contains a regulated amount of mitragynine inside of it. This means that, it is a product that is regulated and will be payed by the consumers to support it's usage and safety research within the FDA. This is not exactly great news. This will mean that you will need to pay a lot more than you would need to pay for plain Kratom leaf. You will be paying for it's regulation and research, not just for your personal usage of their product. For me personally, I do not want to be paying for some synthesized Mitragynine product, for a multiplicity of reasons including: I like to be able to rotate different Kratom strains to prevent tolerance build up, nor do I want to have to pay loads more for my use, and I also don't want to have all of the other potentially helpful alkaloids within Kratom to be taken away. 

Mitragynine is NOT the only alkaloid that has various medicinal, pain-relief and mood lift aswell as analgesic effects. You can't just simply take away every other alkaloid from Kratom excluding one and call it good. That is just not realistic for most Kratom users, and doesn't make any real sense to switch over to using this Product. So I am pretty angry to hear about this. There is however a good side to this, because this has potentially backed the FDA into a corner that they can't get out of, as that means that they have accepted Mitragynine as a completely safe alkaloid, which means that all of the deaths they were so worried about, they don't see as valid anymore for whatever reason. Potentially this can be used against them. I am looking forward to see how the AKA and other amazing people of the Kratom community will react to this sudden new response to Kratom. I just thought i'd make a post on this, because it is actually really huge news in the Kratom community. Stay strong people, and don't forget to let your congressman and everyone you know about your experience with Kratom, and how it has helped your life. We are at a pretty interesting stage in our fight for the usage and legality of Kratom, so DON'T GIVE UP! Thank you for reading this and listening to what I have to say in regards to this new product update. Have a great day, and stay positive. Love you all! Have an amazing Kratom-filled day/night, and keep your heads up!


Friday, December 22, 2017

Pocan/LoBiondo Letter 20 signatures to Congress!

Hello amazing and loving Kratom community. First of all, I want to thank you all for being such an amazing and caring community. This is by far the most loved I have felt, being in this Kratom community. Thank you to all who have taken the time to write your letters to your Representative's and encouraged them to sign the letter! This is an extremely important step in our goal to keep the legality and availability of Kratom to everyone who is using it for their Well-Being! I encourage you all who haven't done so, to call your Representative's and tell them to sign the Pocan/LoBiondo letter. So far 20 signatures by have been signed for this letter in Congress, but more is always better! Make sure to let them know how important this is to you, and your reason for telling them to sign it which can include: The banning of Kratom will cause a major public health Crisis, you want Kratom to be free of use to people who are using it for their own health and well-being, or any other personal reason that you think it is important for them to sign this letter. I can't stress enough to you all, that this is a huge step forward for the Kratom community, and our voice IS being heard by someone! It is vital that you all take the time to call your Representative as well as take the time to write them a letter of how Kratom has impacted your life and what your life would be like if you didn't have it. I hope that you all have a great relaxed Holiday and have a nice day. Stay positive and do your part for the Kratom Community!

Here is the Letter by Pocan/LoBiondo for you to view. You can find your local Representative using this website, where you can find their address as well. If you do not know the phone number for your member of Congress, you can call the main US Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Representative's office.

Sincerely, Alden
Love you guys!

Friday, December 1, 2017

AKA Live Stream

The American Kratom Association recently held a Press Conference that was held live through Facebook (Which I don't currently use, however they have released the footage and video on their Youtube Channel). These smart gentleman have given amazing speeches on Kratom and it's safety and use as a natural herbal medicine in native countries as well as (What should be) in America. They have also spoke on the use of this substance, in regards to it's low addictive potential, and it's low risk of side effects when compared to opiates and other commonly used substances including Tylenol. The FDA is clearly in denial avoiding the extensively documented evidence that Kratom is in fact a very safe herb. 

90 people every day die from overdose of commonly prescribed opiates yet the FDA has done nothing to help or stop this crisis from happening. They are even going as far as to try and ban a substance that has saved many people who were addicted to painkillers, stating that Kratom is a threat to the opiate crisis, even with plain and obvious evidence from the millions of users of Kratom that it an asset in the path to fix the opiate crisis. The FDA threats to ban Kratom is a threat to the people who are using Kratom as a safe alternative to opiates. Not only is it a threat to these people who are in a vulnerable state from their prescribed addictions, it is a threat to many of our own American Veterans who are suffering from many different ailments including; muscle disorders, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and pain etc.

The Ban of Kratom is a personal threat to me, as I find that it helps with my personal well-being, including; Motivation and willingness to do daily work, Depression, general or social anxiety, OCD, Mood issues etc. Without this plant I don't think I would have gotten the motivation to even be posting in this Blog or do anything that I have done today. Kratom has benefited me in so many ways in helping me to live a productive, healthy life, and letting me go throughout my everyday without the normal fears that I had prior to using Kratom. I feel like i'm a functioning member of the world that I live in, and I am more than grateful to be apart of this amazing and loving community that is the Kratom community. I hope that you all have a great rest of your day, and don't forget to take your Kratom.

Stay Healthy, Productive, and Happy!
Sincerely, Alden

Thursday, November 30, 2017

War on Kratom Informative Article

Article Out Now

This article is very fascinating if you are interested in learning more about the logistics of Big Pharma and their motives/reasons for being against Kratom. Kratom is in a very interesting stage with all of it's published medical applications and it's favorable uses regarding addiction recovery with not only opiates, but also alcohol and possibly other addictions/cravings. In all of this evidence for Kratoms medical uses also puts a "loaded gun" threat to the agencies against Kratom legality. This article goes into great detail about the motives of the FDA and their reasons to "Reinforce" the use of Kratom. Great article if you are interesting in hearing what's going on behind the scenes. I also encourage people who are interesting in delving more into the "Rabbit hole" with Kratom; check out the American Kratom Association Website HERE, and Youtube channel HERE. They have a lot of information on Kratom as well as certified people helping support the legality and use of Kratom in the United States that are willing to help the cause. You can donate to the AKA to help support Kratom and also volunteer using their website. Don't forget to sign the petition if you haven't (And VERIFY SIGNATURE in email for the petition).

I hope that you all have a nice day and keep your heads up, and remember to take your Kratom!
Sincerely, Alden

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Petitions Against Kratom

The American Kratom association was fast to come out with a petition against the import ban threat as well as the SITSA ACT petition. Here are the petitions here, and I encourage everyone to share this and have others sign these petitions so that we can continue this fight!



Kratom FDA import ban threat and my personal experience with Kratom

This Article is just out: FDA lies
I personally use kratom to help treat; Anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Depression, Motivation (Well-being in general). Starting with each one in order: OCD has been there for most of my life and has taken control of my daily life in quite a few ways. Fears that I've had mainly stemming from PTSD have caused my OCD to get pretty bad. At one point I would barely eat enough food and I was at a pretty low weight because of it. I feared eating food and it having something in it (usually fearing it would have drugs) - which was a thought that controlled a lot of my daily eating habits and view of life in general.

I was living in an irrational fear that I KNEW was not a rational thought process. This would cause me to have very often panic episodes and feelings of impending doom and A LOT of anxiety. I was researching a ton on and trying to figure out how to help myself get out of this obsessive thought loop that was affecting my life. It started to get better over time as i continued to practice mindfulness daily trying to reinforce negative thoughts, and started to try to keep my mind busy and force myself to eat food even if I was scared to. It took quite a while to recover from this, and eventually I decided to get back on the antidepressants that have been prescribed to me that I stopped taking (In order to help me, because I felt like I couldn't face the anxiety and OCD by myself). 

After getting on the antidepressants, I decided that I would try taking kratom again and see how it effects me. Note that I had tried kratom on multiple occasions before this. I noticed that it really helped my anxiety and obsessive thinking, so i've been taking it since. At first I still had a lot of problems with OCD but it has gotten better and better every day. I can't thank kratom enough for helping me with that horrible what felt like hell of stuck thoughts. I don't know how but kratom has really helped calm my mind and let me think of things in a more mindful way and it has definitely made my OCD 99.99% more manageable.

Kratom is a plant that I can't say enough good things about and how thankful I am for it in my life. I would be very saddened and distraught if it were to be taken away from me. It has helped me see a light in a world that looked very dark, and if it weren't for this lovely herb, I don't know if i'd be here to be completely 100% honest. It has helped me to learn to live in the moment and enjoy everything life has to offer and to face my emotions and feelings head on and conquer my fears. Thank you kratom for being in my life and helping me along with the other 4,000,000 plus people that use this beautiful herb. I will continue to fight and never give up on the support for kratom, and I hope I shed some light on people who are reading this that haven't heard of this plant.

This blog will be my home for discussing kratom and my views on everything going on in regards to it. I will be doing several different topics such as : Reviewing strains, Critique of vendors, Opening packages etc. I will also be creating a youtube channel where I will review and talk about those subjects. This is all something new that I haven't tried yet, so i'm excited to see how it goes and I hope that everyone will enjoy and look forward to Aldens kratom experience.