Friday, December 1, 2017

AKA Live Stream

The American Kratom Association recently held a Press Conference that was held live through Facebook (Which I don't currently use, however they have released the footage and video on their Youtube Channel). These smart gentleman have given amazing speeches on Kratom and it's safety and use as a natural herbal medicine in native countries as well as (What should be) in America. They have also spoke on the use of this substance, in regards to it's low addictive potential, and it's low risk of side effects when compared to opiates and other commonly used substances including Tylenol. The FDA is clearly in denial avoiding the extensively documented evidence that Kratom is in fact a very safe herb. 

90 people every day die from overdose of commonly prescribed opiates yet the FDA has done nothing to help or stop this crisis from happening. They are even going as far as to try and ban a substance that has saved many people who were addicted to painkillers, stating that Kratom is a threat to the opiate crisis, even with plain and obvious evidence from the millions of users of Kratom that it an asset in the path to fix the opiate crisis. The FDA threats to ban Kratom is a threat to the people who are using Kratom as a safe alternative to opiates. Not only is it a threat to these people who are in a vulnerable state from their prescribed addictions, it is a threat to many of our own American Veterans who are suffering from many different ailments including; muscle disorders, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and pain etc.

The Ban of Kratom is a personal threat to me, as I find that it helps with my personal well-being, including; Motivation and willingness to do daily work, Depression, general or social anxiety, OCD, Mood issues etc. Without this plant I don't think I would have gotten the motivation to even be posting in this Blog or do anything that I have done today. Kratom has benefited me in so many ways in helping me to live a productive, healthy life, and letting me go throughout my everyday without the normal fears that I had prior to using Kratom. I feel like i'm a functioning member of the world that I live in, and I am more than grateful to be apart of this amazing and loving community that is the Kratom community. I hope that you all have a great rest of your day, and don't forget to take your Kratom.

Stay Healthy, Productive, and Happy!
Sincerely, Alden

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