Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Kratom Product Containing Mitragynine APPROVED BY THE FDA? WTF?

Here is the link to the New product page: Mitrasafe

So........ apparently, there has been a new product created by Utah based Industrial Chemicals, and I guess they are called LLC? I am not sure what LLC stands for, but this is a pretty huge curve ball for the Kratom community in a sense. Reason being; this product could potentially replace Kratom plant leaf and all of it's alkaloids, or it could potentially be sold as an over-the counter product available on shelves publicly available under a brand name that contains a regulated amount of mitragynine inside of it. This means that, it is a product that is regulated and will be payed by the consumers to support it's usage and safety research within the FDA. This is not exactly great news. This will mean that you will need to pay a lot more than you would need to pay for plain Kratom leaf. You will be paying for it's regulation and research, not just for your personal usage of their product. For me personally, I do not want to be paying for some synthesized Mitragynine product, for a multiplicity of reasons including: I like to be able to rotate different Kratom strains to prevent tolerance build up, nor do I want to have to pay loads more for my use, and I also don't want to have all of the other potentially helpful alkaloids within Kratom to be taken away. 

Mitragynine is NOT the only alkaloid that has various medicinal, pain-relief and mood lift aswell as analgesic effects. You can't just simply take away every other alkaloid from Kratom excluding one and call it good. That is just not realistic for most Kratom users, and doesn't make any real sense to switch over to using this Product. So I am pretty angry to hear about this. There is however a good side to this, because this has potentially backed the FDA into a corner that they can't get out of, as that means that they have accepted Mitragynine as a completely safe alkaloid, which means that all of the deaths they were so worried about, they don't see as valid anymore for whatever reason. Potentially this can be used against them. I am looking forward to see how the AKA and other amazing people of the Kratom community will react to this sudden new response to Kratom. I just thought i'd make a post on this, because it is actually really huge news in the Kratom community. Stay strong people, and don't forget to let your congressman and everyone you know about your experience with Kratom, and how it has helped your life. We are at a pretty interesting stage in our fight for the usage and legality of Kratom, so DON'T GIVE UP! Thank you for reading this and listening to what I have to say in regards to this new product update. Have a great day, and stay positive. Love you all! Have an amazing Kratom-filled day/night, and keep your heads up!
